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Strict OpenGL objects wrapper.
▼Nglobjects | Contains all the classes that wrap OpenGL functionality |
CAbstractFunctionCall | The interface for a callable function with variadic argument types |
CAbstractLogHandler | Abstract interface to handle LogMessages |
CAbstractResource | |
CAbstractState | |
CAbstractStringSource | Superclass for all types of static and dynamic strings, e.g. for the use as Shader code |
CAbstractStringSourceDecorator | |
CAbstractUniform | Abstract base class for templated Uniforms |
CAttachedRenderbuffer | Wrapper of render buffer attachments of a frame buffer object |
CAttachedTexture | Encapsulates texture attachments of a frame buffer object |
CBuffer | Wrapper for OpenGL buffer objects |
CBufferResource | |
CCapability | |
CChangeable | Superclass of all objects that want others to signal that they have changed |
CChangeListener | Allows listening to any Changeable |
CCompositeStringSource | |
CConsoleLogger | Writes LogMessages to stdout |
CDebugMessage | |
CError | Wrapper for OpenGL errors |
CExternalResource | |
CFile | String source associated to a file |
CFileRegistry | |
CFramebuffer | Enables creation of arbitrary render targets that are not directly drawn on the screen |
CFramebufferAttachment | Wraps attachments to a FrameBufferObject |
CFrameBufferObjectResource | |
CFunctionCall | |
CIDResource | |
CIDTrait | |
CInstantiator | CRTP for creating objects similar to std::make_unique |
CInvalidResource | |
CLocationIdentity | |
CLogMessage | Encapsulates a simple log message and its severity level |
CLogMessageBuilder | Builds a LogMessage from different kinds of primitive types |
CNamedString | |
CObject | Superclass of all wrapped OpenGL objects |
CObjectVisitor | Implements a Visitor Pattern to iterate over all tracked globjects objects |
CProgram | Wraps an OpenGL program |
CProgramBinary | Used for directly setting binary sources for a Program |
CProgramPipeline | |
CProgramPipelineResource | |
CProgramResource | |
CQuery | Encapsulates a GL Query object |
CQueryResource | |
CRenderbuffer | Encapsulates OpenGL render buffer objects |
CRenderBufferObjectResource | |
CSampler | Wraps OpenGL sampler objects |
CSamplerResource | |
CShader | Encapsulates OpenGL shaders |
CShaderResource | |
CState | |
CStateSetting | |
CStateSettingType | |
CStaticStringSource | StaticStringSource is a StringSource using an std::string as source |
CStringTemplate | |
CSync | |
CTexture | Wraps OpenGL texture objects. A Texture provides both interfaces to bind them for the OpenGL pipeline: binding and bindless texture. Bindless textures are only available if the graphics driver supports them |
CTextureHandle | |
CTextureResource | |
CTransformFeedback | Interface to use transform feedback |
CTransformFeedbackResource | |
CUniform | Wraps access to typed global GLSL variables |
CUniformBlock | |
▼CVertexArray | |
CMultiDrawArraysRange | |
CMultiDrawElementsBaseVertexRange | |
CMultiDrawElementsRange | |
CVertexArrayObjectResource | |
CVertexAttributeBinding | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< globjects::LocationIdentity > | |
Chash< globjects::StateSettingType > |