![]() |
Strict OpenGL objects wrapper.
This is the complete list of members for globjects::VertexArray, including all inherited members.
accept(ObjectVisitor &visitor) override | globjects::VertexArray | virtual |
AttributeImplementation enum name | globjects::VertexArray | |
bind() const | globjects::VertexArray | |
binding(gl::GLuint bindingIndex) | globjects::VertexArray | |
binding(gl::GLuint bindingIndex) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
bindings() | globjects::VertexArray | |
bindings() const | globjects::VertexArray | |
defaultVAO() | globjects::VertexArray | static |
destroy() const | globjects::HeapOnly | |
detach() | globjects::Object | |
disable(gl::GLint attributeIndex) | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawArrays(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLint first, gl::GLsizei count) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawArraysIndirect(gl::GLenum mode, const void *indirect=nullptr) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawArraysInstanced(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLint first, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLsizei instanceCount) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawArraysInstancedBaseInstance(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLint first, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLsizei instanceCount, gl::GLuint baseInstance) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawElements(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices=nullptr) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawElementsBaseVertex(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices, gl::GLint baseVertex) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawElementsInstanced(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices, gl::GLsizei primitiveCount) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawElementsInstancedBaseInstance(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices, gl::GLsizei instanceCount, gl::GLuint baseInstance) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertex(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices, gl::GLsizei instanceCount, gl::GLint baseVertex) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices, gl::GLsizei instanceCount, gl::GLint baseVertex, gl::GLuint baseInstance) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawRangeElements(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLuint start, gl::GLuint end, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices=nullptr) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
drawRangeElementsBaseVertex(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLuint start, gl::GLuint end, gl::GLsizei count, gl::GLenum type, const void *indices, gl::GLint baseVertex) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
enable(gl::GLint attributeIndex) | globjects::VertexArray | |
fromId(gl::GLuint id) | globjects::VertexArray | static |
hasName() const | globjects::Object | |
HeapOnly() | globjects::HeapOnly | |
hintAttributeImplementation(AttributeImplementation impl) | globjects::VertexArray | static |
hintNameImplementation(NameImplementation impl) | globjects::Object | static |
id() const | globjects::Object | |
isDefault() const | globjects::Object | |
m_bindings | globjects::VertexArray | protected |
m_objectLabelState | globjects::Object | mutableprotected |
m_resource | globjects::Object | protected |
multiDrawArrays(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLint *first, const gl::GLsizei *count, gl::GLsizei drawCount) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawArrays(gl::GLenum mode, const std::vector< MultiDrawArraysRange > &ranges) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawArraysIndirect(gl::GLenum mode, const void *indirect, gl::GLsizei drawCount, gl::GLsizei stride) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawElements(gl::GLenum mode, const gl::GLsizei *count, gl::GLenum type, const void **indices, gl::GLsizei drawCount) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawElements(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLenum type, const std::vector< MultiDrawElementsRange > &ranges) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(gl::GLenum mode, const gl::GLsizei *count, gl::GLenum type, const void **indices, gl::GLsizei drawCount, gl::GLint *baseVertex) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawElementsBaseVertex(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLenum type, const std::vector< MultiDrawElementsBaseVertexRange > &ranges) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
multiDrawElementsIndirect(gl::GLenum mode, gl::GLenum type, const void *indirect, gl::GLsizei drawCount, gl::GLsizei stride) const | globjects::VertexArray | |
name() const | globjects::Object | |
NameImplementation enum name | globjects::Object | |
Object(IDResource *resource) | globjects::Object | protected |
objectType() const override | globjects::VertexArray | virtual |
ref() const | globjects::Referenced | |
refCounter() const | globjects::Referenced | |
Referenced() | globjects::Referenced | |
setName(const std::string &name) | globjects::Object | |
unbind() | globjects::VertexArray | static |
unref() const | globjects::Referenced | |
VertexArray() | globjects::VertexArray | |
VertexArray(IDResource *resource) | globjects::VertexArray | protected |
~HeapOnly() | globjects::HeapOnly | protectedvirtual |
~Object() | globjects::Object | protectedvirtual |
~Referenced() | globjects::Referenced | protectedvirtual |
~VertexArray() | globjects::VertexArray | protectedvirtual |