![]() |
Strict OpenGL objects wrapper.
This is the complete list of members for globjects::Texture, including all inherited members.
accept(ObjectVisitor &visitor) override | globjects::Texture | virtual |
bind() const | globjects::Texture | |
bindActive(gl::GLenum texture) const | globjects::Texture | |
bindActive(unsigned int index) const | globjects::Texture | |
bindImageTexture(gl::GLuint unit, gl::GLint level, gl::GLboolean layered, gl::GLint layer, gl::GLenum access, gl::GLenum format) const | globjects::Texture | |
BindlessImplementation enum name | globjects::Texture | |
clearImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const void *data) | globjects::Texture | |
clearImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const glm::vec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
clearImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const glm::ivec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
clearImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const glm::uvec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
clearSubImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLint xOffset, gl::GLint yOffset, gl::GLint zOffset, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const void *data) | globjects::Texture | |
clearSubImage(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const void *data) | globjects::Texture | |
clearSubImage(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const glm::vec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
clearSubImage(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const glm::ivec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
clearSubImage(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const glm::uvec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
compressedImage1D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLint border, gl::GLsizei imageSize, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
compressedImage2D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLint border, gl::GLsizei imageSize, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
compressedImage2D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec2 &size, gl::GLint border, gl::GLsizei imageSize, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
compressedImage3D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth, gl::GLint border, gl::GLsizei imageSize, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
compressedImage3D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLint border, gl::GLsizei imageSize, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
create(Args &&...args) | globjects::Instantiator< Texture > | static |
createDefault() | globjects::Texture | static |
createDefault(gl::GLenum target) | globjects::Texture | static |
cubeMapImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
cubeMapImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec2 &size, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
detach() | globjects::Object | |
fromId(gl::GLuint id, gl::GLenum target) | globjects::Texture | static |
Instantiator< Texture >::fromId(gl::GLuint id, Args &&...args) | globjects::Instantiator< Texture > | static |
generateMipmap() | globjects::Texture | |
getCompressedImage(gl::GLint lod, gl::GLvoid *image) const | globjects::Texture | |
getCompressedImage(gl::GLint lod=0) const | globjects::Texture | |
getImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, gl::GLvoid *image) const | globjects::Texture | |
getImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type) const | globjects::Texture | |
getLevelParameter(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum pname) const | globjects::Texture | |
getParameter(gl::GLenum pname) const | globjects::Texture | |
hasName() const | globjects::Object | |
hintBindlessImplementation(BindlessImplementation impl) | globjects::Texture | static |
hintNameImplementation(NameImplementation impl) | globjects::Object | static |
hintStorageImplementation(StorageImplementation impl) | globjects::Texture | static |
id() const | globjects::Object | |
image1D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
image2D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
image2D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec2 &size, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
image2DMultisample(gl::GLsizei samples, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLboolean fixedSamplesLocations) | globjects::Texture | |
image2DMultisample(gl::GLsizei samples, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec2 &size, gl::GLboolean fixedSamplesLocations) | globjects::Texture | |
image3D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
image3D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLint border, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
image3DMultisample(gl::GLsizei samples, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth, gl::GLboolean fixedSamplesLocations) | globjects::Texture | |
image3DMultisample(gl::GLsizei samples, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLboolean fixedSamplesLocations) | globjects::Texture | |
invalidateImage(gl::GLint level) const | globjects::Texture | |
invalidateSubImage(gl::GLint level, gl::GLint xoffset, gl::GLint yoffset, gl::GLint zoffset, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth) | globjects::Texture | |
invalidateSubImage(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 size) | globjects::Texture | |
isDefault() const | globjects::Object | |
m_objectLabelState | globjects::Object | mutableprotected |
m_resource | globjects::Object | protected |
m_target | globjects::Texture | protected |
name() const | globjects::Object | |
NameImplementation enum name | globjects::Object | |
Object(std::unique_ptr< IDResource > &&resource) | globjects::Object | protected |
objectType() const override | globjects::Texture | virtual |
pageCommitment(gl::GLint level, gl::GLint xOffset, gl::GLint yOffset, gl::GLint zOffset, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth, gl::GLboolean commit) const | globjects::Texture | |
pageCommitment(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLboolean commit) const | globjects::Texture | |
setName(const std::string &name) | globjects::Object | |
setParameter(gl::GLenum name, gl::GLenum value) | globjects::Texture | |
setParameter(gl::GLenum name, gl::GLint value) | globjects::Texture | |
setParameter(gl::GLenum name, gl::GLfloat value) | globjects::Texture | |
setParameter(gl::GLenum name, const glm::vec4 &value) | globjects::Texture | |
storage1D(gl::GLsizei levels, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width) | globjects::Texture | |
storage2D(gl::GLsizei levels, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height) | globjects::Texture | |
storage2D(gl::GLsizei levels, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec2 &size) | globjects::Texture | |
storage3D(gl::GLsizei levels, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth) | globjects::Texture | |
storage3D(gl::GLsizei levels, gl::GLenum internalFormat, const glm::ivec3 &size) | globjects::Texture | |
StorageImplementation enum name | globjects::Texture | |
subImage1D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLint xOffset, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
subImage2D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLint xOffset, gl::GLint yOffset, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
subImage2D(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec2 &offset, const glm::ivec2 &size, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
subImage3D(gl::GLint level, gl::GLint xOffset, gl::GLint yOffset, gl::GLint zOffset, gl::GLsizei width, gl::GLsizei height, gl::GLsizei depth, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
subImage3D(gl::GLint level, const glm::ivec3 &offset, const glm::ivec3 &size, gl::GLenum format, gl::GLenum type, const gl::GLvoid *data) | globjects::Texture | |
target() const | globjects::Texture | |
texBuffer(gl::GLenum internalFormat, Buffer *buffer) | globjects::Texture | |
texBufferRange(gl::GLenum internalFormat, Buffer *buffer, gl::GLintptr offset, gl::GLsizeiptr size) | globjects::Texture | |
Texture() | globjects::Texture | |
Texture(gl::GLenum target) | globjects::Texture | |
Texture(std::unique_ptr< IDResource > &&resource, gl::GLenum target) | globjects::Texture | protected |
textureHandle() const | globjects::Texture | |
textureHandle(Sampler *sampler) const | globjects::Texture | |
textureView(gl::GLuint originalTexture, gl::GLenum internalFormat, gl::GLuint minLevel, gl::GLuint numLevels, gl::GLuint minLayer, gl::GLuint numLayers) | globjects::Texture | |
unbind() const | globjects::Texture | |
unbind(gl::GLenum target) | globjects::Texture | static |
unbindActive(gl::GLenum texture) const | globjects::Texture | |
unbindActive(unsigned int index) const | globjects::Texture | |
unbindImageTexture(gl::GLuint unit) | globjects::Texture | static |
~Object() | globjects::Object | protectedvirtual |
~Texture() | globjects::Texture | virtual |